Research Areas

我的主要科学兴趣是沉积岩石学,成岩作用, geological carbon sequestration, and environmental and petroleum geology. Topics I’m currently working on include:

  • Geologic controls on induced seismicity
  • 碳酸盐岩胶结作用、流体流动、微生物活性与储层的关系 permeability heterogeneity in clastic sedimentary rocks.
  • 对断裂带胶结作用的控制、流体的流动和断裂带的关系 diagenesis to permeability.
  • 石油系统的储层/密封分析和建议的碳封存点


Cather, M., Rose-Coss, D., Gallagher, S., Trujillo, N., Cather, S., Hollingworth, R.S., Mozley, P.S., and Leary, R.J., 2021, Deposition, diagenesis, and sequence stratigraphy of 法尔斯沃斯的宾夕法尼亚Morrowan和Atokan区间单位:能量,v. 14,

Barnes, H., Hinojosa, J.R., Spinelli, G.A., Mozley, P.S., Koning, D., Sproule, T.G., and Wilson, J.L., 2021, Detecting fault zone characteristics 用电阻率法切割古山谷:新墨西哥州洛马布兰卡断层; Geophysics, v. 86, p. 1-53.

Sproule, T.G, Spinelli, G.A., Wilson, J.L., Fort, M.D., Mozley, P.S., and Ciarico, J., 2020, The effects of fault-zone cementation on groundwater flow at the field scale: Groundwater,

Petrie, E.S., Bradbury, K.K., Cuccio, L., Smith, K., Evans, J.P., Ortiz, P., Kerner, K., Person, M., Mozley, P.中国地质大学学报(自然科学版),2020,利用露头和岩心类比物对不整合面进行地质表征; hydrologic implications for injection-induced seismicity: Solid Earth, v. 5., p. 1803-1821.

Wu, Z., Luhmann, A.J., Rinehart, A.J., Mozley, P.S., Dewers, T.A., Heath, J.E., and Majumdar, B.S., 2020, Chemo‐mechanical Alterations Induced From CO2 碳酸盐岩胶结砂岩在71°C和29°C条件下的注入实验研究 MPa: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth: v. 125,

Yoon, H., Ingraham, M.D., Grigg, J., Rosandick, B., Rinehart, A., Mook, W.M., Dewers, T., and Mozley, P., 2020,沉积成岩非均质性对多尺度力学的影响 behavior of Mancos Shale, New Mexico and Utah, USA. In: Camp, W.K., Fishman, N.S., Hackley, P.C., Macquaker, J.H.S,, Milliken, K.L., Taylor, K.G. (Eds.), Mudstone Diagenesis: 页岩油气储层、封印和烃源岩研究展望,美国 Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 120, p. 121-148.

Williams, R.T., Mozley, P.S., Sharp, W.D., Goodwin, L.B., 2019, U‐Th Dating of Syntectonic Calcite Veins 揭示断裂裂缝胶结和愈合的动力学性质:AGU地球物理 Research Letters, v. 46. p. 12900-12908,

Dewers, T., Heath, J., Yoon, H., Ingraham, M., Grigg, J., Mozley, P., Quintana, E., Karpyn, Z., 2019, Pore-to core characterization of shale muliphysics, in, Vialle, S., Arjo-Fraklin, J., and Carey, WJ.W., eds., Geological Carbon Storage: 地下封印与盖层完整性:美国地球物理联合会,地球物理专著 238, 45 - 70.

Ortiz, J.P., Person, M.A., Mozley, P.S., Evans, J.P., and Bilek, S.L., 2018, The role 断层带构造要素对孔隙压力传播和诱发地震活动性的影响 Groundwater (in press), doi: 10.1111/gwat.12818.

Williams, R.T., Beard, B.L., Goodwin, L.B., Sharp, W.D., Johnson, C.M., and Mozley, P.S.2018年,放射性同位素记录了“沧海一粟”——数公里尺度的指纹 推断流体路径驱动断阀行为:构造地质学杂志 (in press),

Williams, R.T., Goodwin, L.B., Sharp, W.D., Mozley, P.S., 2017, A 400,000-year record 板内断层的地震频率分析:美国国家科学院院刊 of Sciences, , v. 114, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1617945114..

Williams, R.T., Goodwin, L.B., Mozley, P.S., 2017, Diagenetic controls on the evolution 断裂带构造与渗透构造:对断裂带的启示 fluid transport in extensional basins: GSA Bulletin, v. 129, p. 464-478, doi: 10.1130/B31443.1.

Ampomah, W., Balch, R., Cather, M., Rose-Coss, D., Zhenxue, D., Heath, J., Dewers, T., and Mozley, P., 2016, Evaluation of CO2 storage mechanisms in CO2 提高采收率地点:在Morrow砂岩油藏中的应用:能源和油气 Fuels, v. 30, p. 8545–8555, doi: 10.1021.

Zhang, Y., Edel, S., Pepin, J., Person, M., Broadhead, R., Ortiz, J., Bilek, S., Mozley, P., Evans, J., 2016, Exploring the potential linkages between oil-field brine reinjection, 结晶基底渗透率,并引发了Dagger Draw油田的地震活动 field, southeastern New Mexico, USA using hydrologic modeling: Geofluids, v. 16, p. 971-987, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12199.

Mozley, P.S., Heath, J., Dewers, T., and Bauer, S., 2016, Origin and heterogeneity 西蒙山砂岩和欧克莱尔组孔隙大小特征及其意义 for multiphase fluid flow: Geosphere, v. 12, p. 1–21, doi:10.1130/GES01245.1.

Raduha, S., Butler, D., Mozley, P., Person, M., Evans, J., Heath, J., Dewers, T., Stauffer, P., Gable, C., and Kelkar, S., 2016, Potential seal bypass and caprock storage 由储/盖层变形带-开闭模式-裂缝过渡产生 interface: Geofluids, v. 16, p. 752-768, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12177.

El-Shawaihdi, M.H., Mozley, P.S., Boaz, N.T., Salloum, F., Pavlakis, P., Muftah, A., and Triantaphyllou, M., 2016,利比亚东北部Sirt盆地新近系Sahabi单元地层学研究; Journal of African Earth Sciences Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 118, p. 87-106.

Williams, R.T., Goodwin, L.B., Mozley, P.S., Beard, B.L., and Johnson, C.M., 2015, 新墨西哥州里奥格兰德裂谷断层带流动路径的构造控制 USA: Geology, doi:10.1130/G36799.1

Rainoldi, A.L., Franchini, M., Beaufort, D., Mozley, P., Giusiano, A., Cesaretti, N., Patrier, P., Impiccini, A., and Pons, J., 2015, Mineral reactions associated with 阿根廷neuquimassn盆地Huincul高地油气古运移:地质 Society of America Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B31201.1.

Dale, A., John, C.M., Mozley, P.S., Smalley, P.C., and Muggeridge, A.H., 2014, Time-capsule 结核:利用碳酸盐解开曼科斯页岩的埋藏成岩过程 clumped isotopes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 394, p. 30-37.

El-Shawaihdi, M.H., Muftah, A.M., Mozley, P.S., and Boaz, N.T., 2014, New age constraints 利用锶同位素对利比亚(锡尔特盆地)萨哈比地区新近系沉积物进行了研究 (87Sr/86地质年代学与钙质纳米化石;非洲地球科学杂志; v. 89, p. 42-49.

Zhang, Y., Person, M., Rupp, J., Ellet, K., Celia, M.A., Gable, C.W., Bowen, B., Evans, J., Bandilla, K., Mozley, P.S., Dewers, T., and Elliot, T., 2013, Hydrogeologic controls 基岩注入流体引起的结晶性地震活动性研究 reservoirs: Groundwater, v. 51, p. 525-538.

Heath, J.E., Dewers, T.A., McPherson, B.J., Petrusak, R., Chidsey, T.C. Jr., Rinehart, A.J., and Mozley, P.S., 2011, Pore networks in continental and marine mudstones: characteristics and controls on sealing behavior: Geosphere, v. 7, p. 429-454.

White, R., Spinelli, G.A., Mozley, P.S., and N.W. Dunbar, 2010, Importance of volcanic glass alteration to sediment stabilization, offshore Japan: Sedimentology, v. 58, p. 1138-1154.

Seright, R.S., Campbell, A.R. and Mozley, P.S., 2009, Stability of partially hydrolyzed 高温下缺乏二价阳离子的聚丙烯酰胺:社会 of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Journal, 121460, p. 1–15. doi:10.2118/121460-MS

Spinelli, G.A., Mozley, P.S., Tobin, H.J., Hoffman, N., and Underwood, M.B., 2007, 沉积物强度与孔隙崩塌的成岩控制作用探讨 the Nankai Trough subduction zone: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 119, p. 337-390.

Mozley, P.S., and Burns, S.J., 2006, Climatic significance of Holocene beachrock sites 讨论:美国石油地质学家协会 Bulletin, v. 90, p. 971-973.

Delude-Roy, N., Davis, J.M., Mozley, P.S., and Hall, J.S., 2006, The effect of carbonate 河流含水层渗透率非均质性的胶结作用:沉积地质学 (Special issue on heterogeneity in sedimentary aquifers), v. 184, p. 267-280. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.11.005. Abstract.

Mozley, P.S., Davis, J.M., 2005, Internal structure and mode of growth of elongate 方解石结块:微生物诱导的小规模化学异质性的证据 in groundwater: Geological Society of America Bulletin 117(11):1400-1412. doi: 10.1130/B25618.1. Abstract.

Bensing, J.P., Mozley, P.S., and Dunbar, N.W., 2005, Importance of clay in iron transport 和沉积物变红:来自Abo组还原特征的证据,新 Mexico: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 75(4), p. 562-571.

Hall, J.S., Mozley, P.S., Davis, J.M., and Delude-Roy, N., 2004, Environments of formation 上更新世河流方解石胶结作用空间分布的控制因素 deposits, New Mexico, USA: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74(5), p. 643-653.

Mozley, P.S., 2002, Diagenetic Structures, in Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (Ed. by G. Middleton): Kluwer Academic Press, 219-225.

Goodwin, L.B., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Haneberg, W.C., 1999, Faults and subsurface fluid flow in the shallow crust: An introduction, in, Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Goodwin, L.B., eds., Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust, AGU Monograph 113, p. 1-5.

Heynekamp, M.R., Goodwin, L.B., Mozley, P.S., and Haneberg, W.C., 1999, Controls on 新墨西哥州里奥格兰德裂谷低石化沉积层中的断裂带构造; Implications for fault-zone permeability and fluid flow, in, Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Goodwin, L.B., eds., Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust, AGU Monograph 113, p. 27-49.

Sigda, J.M., Goodwin, L.B., Mozley, P.S., and Wilson, J.L., 1999, Permeability alteration 在弱固结沉积物中的小位移断层中:格兰德河中部 Rift, New Mexico, in, Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Goodwin, L.B., eds., Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust, AGU Monograph 113, p. 51 – 68.

Whitworth, T.M., Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., and Goodwin, L.B., 1999, Solute sieving induced calcite precipitation on pulverized quartz sand ?? experimental results and implications for the membrane behavior of fault gouge, in, Haneberg, W.C., Mozley, P.S., Moore, J.C., and Goodwin, L.B., eds., Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust, AGU Monograph 113, p. 149-158.

Klein, J.S., Mozley, P.S., Campbell, A., and Cole, R., 1999, Spatial distribution 横向广泛的碳酸盐胶结层的碳氧同位素:意义 生长模式和地下识别:沉积研究杂志; v. 69, p. 184-201.

Beckner, J., and Mozley, P.S., 1998, Origin and spatial distribution of early phreatic 和美国新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基盆地Zia组的气相方解石胶结物, in, S. Morad, ed.砂岩中的碳酸盐胶结物:国际沉积学家协会 Special Publication 26, p. 27-51.

Lambert, M.R., Cole, R.D., and Mozley, P.S., 1997, Controls on permeability heterogeneity 新墨西哥州西北部Tocito砂岩(上白垩纪):in, Anderson, O. and Kues, B.S., eds., New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 48th Field Conference, Mesozoic Geology and Paleontology of the Four Corners Region, p. 217-228.

Mozley, P.S.碳酸盐结块的内部结构:一个重要的评价 of the concentric model of concretion growth: Sedimentary Geology, v. 103, p. 85-91.

Mozley, P.S., and Davis, J.M.D., 1996,取向方解石结块与渗透率相关性的关系 新墨西哥州Sierra Ladrones地层的冲积含水层结构:Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. A66, p. 11-16.

Mozley, P.S., Beckner, J., and Whitworth, T.M., 1995, Spatial distribution of calcite 新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基盆地Santa Fe Group的水泥:对地下水的影响 资源:新墨西哥地质,特刊:阿尔伯克基盆地-水文地质研究, v. 17, p. 88-93.

Mozley, P.S., and Goodwin, L., 1995,新生代正断层胶结模式:古流动记录 orientations: Geology, v. 23, p 539-542.

Mozley, P.S., and Burns, S.J., 1993, Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of marine 碳酸盐结核:综述;答复:沉积岩石学报,5. 63, p. 1008.

Mozley, P.S., and Wersin, P., 1993, Isotopic composition of siderite as an indicator of depositional environment: reply: Geology, v. 21, p. 380.

Mozley, P.S., and Burns, S.J., 1993, Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of marine carbonate concretions: an overview: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 63, p. 73-83.

Mozley, P.S., and Carothers, W., 1992, Geochemistry of siderite in the Kuparuk Formation, 阿拉斯加:水/沉积物相互作用和微生物活动对早期孔隙水的影响 chemistry, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 62, p. 681-692.

Mozley, P.S., and Wersin, P., 1992, Isotopic composition of siderite as an indicator of depositional environment: Geology, v. 20, p. 817-820.

Mozley, P.S., and Hoernle, K., 1990, Geochemistry of carbonate cements in the Sag 阿拉斯加州北坡三叠纪/侏罗纪河流和Shublik组:意义 for the geochemical evolution of formation waters: Sedimentology, v. 37, p. 817-836.

Mozley, P.S., 1989,固结菱铁矿的复杂成分分区:意义 for geochemical studies: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 59, p. 815-818.

Mozley, P.S., 1989,沉积环境与元素组成的关系 of early diagenetic siderite: Geology, v. 17, p. 704- 706.